You need to cut 2 pieces from your main fabric and 2 pieces from your coordinating, each about 12 inches by 2 1/4 inches. Don’t want to get the kitchen messy with finger paints? Yeesh, she's almost eight years old now. If these are the main experiences that kids have for painting or learning responsibilty, we’ve done them a disservice. I chose to have my straps two different fabrics you don’t have to. All content on this site is the property of Angi Schneider (SchneiderPeeps). Fold those flaps up and iron the seam. Pokemon Crayon Tote bag, Pokemon Artist Tote bag, Pokemon Travel bag, Birthday gift, Pokemon Kids Activity bag, Kids Travel bag MamuDesigns. Hope that helps. We have lots of fun kid themed fabric that would make wonderful holders. This bag is an army green canvas tote bag adorned with camouflage ribbon which is perfect when quiet time is needed! (I already stitched when I remembered I needed a photo.). It’s not a good thing. Question-Have you used a light weight batting to give the bag more body? Using a quater inch seam (just line the fabric up with the right edge of your foot) stitch the raw edges to the front of the bag. To stop that, I have decided to make a crayon roll. I’m really confused (and sad) because I cut my body pieces 11×12 like the directions say and then getting further deeper you say to pin your 12×13 pieces right sides together and looking at your pictures your body is 12×13. Now, stitch around the top opening – there should still be an opening ;-). I am totally confuse. 1 Using a pencil and ruler, make a tick mark at the top and bottom of the bag, both at an equal distance from the left edge. Padded Camera Pouch – PDF Sewing Pattern → 1 comment for “ Crayon Tote Tutorial ” Pingback: How to Sew a Pretty Crate Cover! thread Tutorial: Crayon & Coloring Book Carrier. Required fields are marked *. There’s an app for that. Leave the top open. I just finished making one for my darling granddaughter; I used fusible batting to give the bag more body. WHEN DO YOU DO THAT? It’s interesting living in two worlds – one being the world of teenagers and adult children and the other being the world of preshoolers. November 1, by Anne Weaver. Christmas. I use iron in battin for the bag body. -Pin strap in place 1 inch from the sides of the bag and 1.5 inches from the top. CRAZY! You need 4 pieces that measure 12″X13″ (body of the bag) , 4 pieces that measure 2.5″X 22″ (straps) and two peices that measure 5″X12″ (crayon holders). Need to get a bigger box of crayons, though! Make sure you only pin it to the one side – your top should still be open. All you do is line up the side seam to the bottom seam and it will come to a point. Thank you Amber for this awesome Coloring Book and Crayon Holder Tutorial! June 23, 2014 By Angi Schneider 14 Comments. We are not health care providers, lawyers, financial specialists, or your mother. Organize their supplies with our one-of-a-kind Coloring Book and Crayon Holder Tutorial and awesome fabric from TRR. When all the insides are out, lay the piece out and iron it flat. Good tutorial! We will leave approx. There are 28 slots for crayons and a box of crayons comes in 24. For the first part of this DIY tote bag project, cut two 18"x14" rectangles of both outer … Sew the crayon holder onto the bag by using a straight stitch down the bottom. 1/2 in at each edge for a seam allowance and 2 inches at the top to make a nice 1 in. Also cut two of the same size from your felt. I plan to make it for my great grandchildren for There are games and apps that can do anything. Leave a Comment. If you click on a link and make a purchase I may receive a commission. You’ll be glad you did. I receive a small commission whenever a product is purchased through these links. Probably not a good combo. Filed Under: In the Craft Room, Sewing Tagged With: bags, preschool, sewing for children., How to Sew a Crayon Tote Bag tutorial – sewing mania club, Flying Geese Pillow Cover with Invisible Zipper Tutorial, Waistcoat Crochet Hat Tutorial – Beginner Friendly, Textured Crochet Washcloth Pattern Tutorial – Sprig Stitch. If you have an old tank top that you can use, this one won’t cost you anything. But I’m real pleased with how it turned out! You can make these from fabric or purchase a strap kit. Pin both sides and the bottom. The tote will be made by folding a big piece in half, and sewing up both sides (seem will be in the middle of the sides of your bag), then the bottom. The front should now look like the photo on the left – the crayon holder are like little flaps. This website occasionally uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Years. Thanks for sharing them. There’s an app for that. Now to make the straps, and let me apologize right now for not having photos of this process. Make sure the raw edges are closer to the top and the folded sides are closer to the bottom. {Stepping Stones} Simple Remedies for Cold and Flu Season. I passed my needle through twice per crochet stitch. So, in order to limit the tempation to keep Esther “entertained” when we’re out and about, I made her a crayon tote bag. Saved by The Ribbon Retreat. I know, it’s weird but do it. Lay the other outside bag piece on top of the first one with the right sides of the fabrics together. In some ways, the worlds are so very different and, in some ways, remarkably similar. To make this tote, you’ll two types of fabric. Sew through the closest side of the top of the crochet stitches and then through the fabric. Turn the iron on medium to medium-high heat and slowly run the iron over the paper toweling. Amber from Crazy Little Projects shows how to make a crayon and coloring book. Choose your favorite crayon tote bags from thousands of available designs. Now, measure in 1.5″ from each side and make a line with a piece of chalk. You can iron  the bag opening, but I like to pin the lining down and top stitch (1/4″ seam or less)around the opening. Knot and weave in any and all ends. a small ruler measure 1/8 in from the edge and then put dots with a water soluble marker 1 inch apart to mark the spots for the stitched lines for crayons -Sew the pocket down the side, along the bottom and other side making sure to backstitch at beginning and If you need photos, I have them on this post, but instead of using two pieces of fabric I used one wide piece and folded it in half. Create the crayon pouch on the front of the tote: Fold the crayon pouch piece in half, lengthwise, with right sides... 2. Step by step tutorial to make a bag with crayon pockets and room enough for a couple of coloring books Wedding Favors Gift Bag Ideas Once brides have determined on their wedding ceremony desire present to their guests, the next choice might be how to display the gift on … I DO NOT SEE WHERE YOU SEWED THE SLOTS FOR THE CRAYONS. Sew the outer pieces RST, matching pockets. Now, take the lining which is still inside out and put the outside of the bag in it. This post may contain affiliate links. sewing machine chalk Share Intermediate 1-2 Hours Print Project. This is where that hole in the bottom of the lining comes in, pull the bag out through the hole in the lining. Diana Jones. Sew about 3" across the corners. Supplies This easy kid’s tote bag pattern is definitely something a beginner could tackle! I bet it will only take an hour, so get some fabric, get your machine out and start sewing. Cut your fabric. Yes, it is called mass production. Pin one 2.5″X12″ piece four inches up from the bottom of the on the front piece. Then pin the other strap to the other side. CRAYON POCKET Take the 6 1/2" x 12 1/2" (14.5") piece of fabric and fold it in half lengthwise with RIGHT SIDES together and iron- folded piece will be 3 1/4" x 12 1/2" (14.5"). SchneiderPeeps – Crayon Tote Bag Tutorial. Your email address will not be published. I’ve fixed the post and I appreciate you letting me know my error. Step 2: Fill the design with color (the outline to) to make it easier to cut if you are doing multiple colors. Is there anywhere that I can purchase the pattern. I was supervising dinner preparations while I was making this. Copyright ©2011-2020 SchneiderPeeps 5 out of 5 stars (254) 254 reviews $ 16.00. Again, I’m really sorry for the error and I appreciate you letting me know. The views and opinions on this site are just that, our view and opinions. Directions: Step 1: Open the design in Silhouette Studio. However, DO NOT sew about four inches of the bottom of the lining. -Take 2 strap strips and place right sides together. oh my, I am so, so sorry. I was just starting to make the crayon bag and I simply do not understand why there would be raw edges showing on the crayon holders. Stitch the 3 sides. Tell me, do you struggle with the amount of electronic use your kids have available to them? Price: $13.00 + $5.00 shipping: This is the perfect party gift, birthday gift, etc. Cut down on plastic bags with washable, handy-dandy, eye-catching totes! Fold each of the 5″X12″ peices in half  lengthwise so each piece is now 2.5″ X 12″. Sew along marked lines to make individual crayon pockets. I have been wanting to make this bag for awhile, so this gave me a good reason do to so! We’re using Kalami Floral Mauve by holli_zollinger; 1” wide x 27” long straps. On the bottom corners of your bag, you're going to pinch the corners and then sew across like shown. Do the same with the two other pieces. Put 2 of your strap pieces right side together and stitch down each long side. I’ve added that step into the tutorial. That would be called stealing…and it’s not nice. Modern Blogger Pro Theme By, Pretty Darn Cute Design. Tuck the raw edges of the hole in and stitch the hole up. Tags:coloring tote crayon tote free kids kids bags Sewing Tutorial tote bag tutorial. The raw edge is sewn to the front of the bag and then flipped up to enclose the long raw edge. -Sew along the top stitch seam line of the strap back stitching at the beginning and the end. The next one I make (for grandson) I think I’ll use fusible batting or interfacing in the straps. We then put blank tablets or coloring books and place them in cellophane bags with a ribbon, tulle or string. Occasionally I receive products in exchange for a review or giveaway post. Next, stitch over the chalk lines to make your crayon pockets. After the hole is stitched, push the lining into the bag. Some posts on this blog contain affiliate links. Pin the lining to the bag all around the top. You may want to fix that so others don’t waste time and money like I did. Our crayon handbags are made with a durable, machine-washable fabric and come in a variety of sizes. This past weekend I had 2 little girls birthday parties to go to. Nov 17, 2015 - I have a super fun new sewing tutorial for you, A Crayon Tote bag! Use needle and thread to whip stitch around the bag sewing the lining and crochet together. 1 yard of Lightweight Cotton Twill. You should end up with something like the photo above. 5 out of 5 stars (1,938) 1,938 reviews. How do you balance that? But you guys are sharp, so I’m sure you’ll be just fine. Optional: Stitch 2 additional lines down the strap. My grandson loves puzzles and coloring books and crayons and he loves carring a bag. You want a hole in the bottom of the lining – trust me, it’s important. If you do, let me know how it turns out! Put right sides of your two fabrics together and the piece of felt outside them. Be sure to back stitch at the beginning and ending of each line to lock in your stitches. Kid’s Library Tote Bag Pattern: Supplies Needed: About 2/3 yard of 2 coordinating fabrics; About 2/3 yard of fusible fleece interfacing (optional but makes the bag much sturdier) Sewing Instructions: Stitch the straps down – all four edges – and pin the strap out of the way so it’s no hanging loose. I saw the cutest coloring crayon bag at a craft show yesterday. Free Crochet Bag Patterns You’ll Enjoy. I know, it’s very technical…. There will be lots of threads! Measure properly for both of the corners and pin it down to make it easier. Why can I not print the instructions for this crayon tote bag. The raw edges on the sides are enclosed in the seam allowance of the bag. Goodness knows I have enough loose material around here to create one! Please know that you can still use your fabric, your bag will just a bit smaller. I’ve also noticed that the preschool world that Esther lives in is different than the preschool world my older children lived in. We fill them with crayons, magic markers or colored pencils. Hi, Use the text tool to type the child’s name. Now, make 11 more lines 3/4″ apart between the two you already made. The sad part is every time I go to the store, I have to contemplate whether or not I should buy new crayons. Now, we can just whip out the phone (well, not my dumb phone) or an ipod – we don’t have to be home or even inside. Crayon Tote Bag by Too Too Cute Boutique. From shop AWhimsyPartyShop. Please do your own research and be responsible for your own actions. Our children can entertained, or distracted or “kept busy” all day long. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. They don’t have to be perfect but if you notice that one is much bigger than the others, just adjust it. Please do not use photos, text, or graphics without permission. I do not understand computers so any help is appreciated. * It is kind of hard to tell because of the fabric design, but the bottom of the crayon holder is where the blue dotted/orange dotted design ends. The vacuum eats them, they get thrown out, tossed in drawers. Now, take the outside of your bag and turn it right side out. Now, you’re going to make the lining by putting the two 12″X13″ pieces right sides together and stitching around both sides and the bottom, leaving the top open and then box the corners. 2 2 Use red fabric marker and ruler to connect the tick marks, making a vertical line to create the margin of a piece of notebook paper. Comments are closed. I have ot… Now stitch to make a triangle on the end. Next, cut two 2-inch wide strips of fabric for the handles, fold them in half, and iron them to crease the fold. Position the … Adjust the heat of the iron to avoid scorching the paper towel. All crayon canvas totes ship within 48 hours and include a 30-day money-back guarantee. Then, put the lining into the outer fabric portion, RST. Even with an inch narrower you should be able to get a coloring book in the bag as the finished size will be 10.5″ and a coloring book is about 8.5″ across. This is a very simple project, beginner friendly and I show you how to do all the steps. It carries like a tote bag, but opens up to show a row of small pockets for markers and several larger pockets for notebooks and coloring books. Then, hem the top edge of each rectangle and sew the rectangles together on the sides and bottom. Take one strap and pin it about 2″ in from each side. One thing that I’ve noticed (and I feel like I really need to guard against) is that if we’re not careful, Esther could have some kind of electric device in front of her face all day long. This gives your bag more of a bottom/volume. Search. You’ll want to use tank tops that have front and back necklines that are even so that your bag won’t be crooked. Pin it down like I did in the photo. (crayons not included) $13.00 13.00 + $5.00 shipping. Post navigation ← How to Sew a Wet Bag. I think it works best with one patterned side, and one plain side. Easy Sewing Projects Craft Tutorials Sewing Tutorials Sewing Crafts Sewing Ideas Craft Ideas Diy Coloring … How do I know it's been on my list for seven years? Stitch … And I took photos so you could make one too. Then pin the second one eight inches up from the bottom. Personalized Crayon Tote Bag, Girls Personalized Tote Bag, Christmas Gift Idea, Girls Personalized Gift AWhimsyPartyShop. I’m not sure its all better, either. Everyday Tote Bag Materials. We go through them like toilet paper. And just in time for Christmas! Repeat on the other bottom corner of the bag. Back “in the day” if one of our children wanted to play an electronic game we would have to set them up at our desktop computer and put a disk in. I am sure little ones would love a holder like this, special for them! Tank top totes are among the easiest tote bags to make and since tank tops are relatively inexpensive, they’re also among the cheapest to make. Fold those flaps up and iron the seam. Your email address will not be published. Amber’s instructions are so easy and make a bag like this very doable for anyone. I lined up the bottom of the crayon holder to the foot. Place a piece of paper towel inside the tote bag and a few sheets on top of the bag. There is plenty of room in the final product to allow for it to be an inch shorter and an inch narrower. You can see our full privacy policy here. Usually ships within 6 to 10 days. Pirate Tote Bag with Crayon Loops. | - sew, quilt, knit and crochet fun gifts! Well, this reversible tote bag is a great way to make use of that fat quarter or half metre you’ve been saving for something special. Repeat for all 4 crayon pocket pieces, and trim all the threads. Sew the lining pieces RST, leaving a 4″ hole along the bottom for turning later. Tote bags are perfect for taking your lunch to work, transporting groceries, or packing gym clothes. I just line up the edge of the fabric (where the point is) on the edge of the silver part of my machine and do that for each side. From shop MamuDesigns. All my fabric is cut too small now 🙁 and of course I cut all 3 bags’ worth of pieces so I could sew all at once. Item # 4342822P132. Press under the 1” – 2” opening so that it is in line with the rest of the pouch. -Pin the side seams first and then pin the remaining bag in place and sew a 1/2 inch seam allowance. Thanks for catching that! Cut Fabrics. I would love to find a pattern for one of these, does anyone have the pattern or tutorial for this bag? Using a quater inch seam (just line the fabric up with the right edge of your foot) stitch the raw edges to the front of the bag. I really like the look of boxed corners so I did that on our bag. You can get all fancy and use a fabric chalk pencil or you can do what I did and just grab a piece of chalk off the kid’s chalkboard. Pin along the long open end (side opposite the fold you made). Finger Crochet Blanket Tutorial – No crochet knowledge needed. Hi Gerry, You can highlight all the text and then print “selected text.” I don’t have this as a printable pattern at this time. The 5X12″ pieces get folded in half so they are 2.5″X12″. Ok, girls, this DIY coloring book and crayon holder project has been on my to-do list for 7 years now. Now that you know how to make a tote bag you might also like to make a matching pleated zippered pouch to go with your new tote! Now, measure in 1.5″ from each side and make a line with a piece of chalk. Once that is done, start turning the end of one side down and start pulling the insides out. And I promise you, this is a pretty easy project to make. For leather options, look here and here, or try this for a polyester option ; … I clearly remember when my daughter was 8 months old saying, 'I need to make a coloring book and crayon holder so we can bring it with us to keep her entertained.' If you created a wax pattern on both sides of the tote, place a sheet or two under the bag as well. It had the slots for each individual crayon on the sides. Great suggestions! Hi Diana, there aren’t any raw edges showing on the crayon holders, once the bag is complete. Hi Andrea, I haven’t but but you could certainly try it. Want to teach your children responsibility of taking care of animals? **Click here for more info**Learn how to make a lined tote bag! It really makes a sturdier bag. The front should now look like the photo on the left – the crayon holder are like little flaps. Hi Jean, you’ll stitch over the chalk lines after you mark them, before sewing the two bag pieces together. Seven. Projects & Learning / Kids & Teachers / Browse All Pirate Tote Bag with Crayon Loops. 401. Thank you for supporting this site. Add a tag and the gift is ready to give at a moments notice. 1 yard of fabric – you can use 1/2 yard of two different patterns To make a tote bag, start by cutting 2 equally-sized rectangular pieces of fabric that are between 12 and 24 inches long and wide. (But be sure to check out my other free sewing projects for more ideas!). Crayon Art Tote Free Pattern & Tutorial 1. turned under clean hem. The tote, you ’ ll be just fine to lock in stitches. No hanging loose ok, girls Personalized tote bag tutorial or coloring and! Top and the piece of chalk of sizes out, lay the other side insides.. 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